Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sex with Animals

November 20, 2009 (2 am, Fri)

Just done reading Rev Dr Yap Kim Hao's, a Singaporean pastor, "Reflections on Sexual Ethics". It is a working paper he has written to stimulate discussion. So far no response on the web group he posted the paper, I wonder why. However I do like to say something about sexual ethics, especially on human animal sex.

I remember few weeks ago I attended a counselor training session and there was a sexologist from Singapore (yes, Singapore again) talking about sex. One of the issues discussed which I responded strongly was sex with animals. Many argued there was nothing wrong with having sex with animals because it was an individual taste and being liberal and tolerant people, we should respect the individual's freedom to choose. (I was pleasantly surprised how progressive we Malaysians are).

But what about the animals? Do those animals have their rights to choose? I'm a liberal person and even agree that incest is kind of ok if it happens between two consenting adults. Yes, the key word here is consent. How do we know or get the animal to consent to have sex with us? Up till now I haven't watched a single human and animal porn. According to what I was told, the animals in the porn seem to enjoy the sex. They may have consented. However, just the thought of human having sex with animals has really disgusted me. This is why I refused to watch any human and animal porn.

If the question of consent is answered by seeing the animals are actually enjoying the sex with human then there is nothing wrong with having sex with animals. No one gets harm and everyone have fun, including the animals.

For the longest time I believe that if two consenting adults (over 18) agree to have sex with each other and derive joy and fulfillment from the sex act, it is ok. However they want to do it is none of my concern as long as they are adults, consented to do it and there is no physical harm or danger and practice safer sex, then that's fine. That's why I even grudgingly accept that incest can be ok if it happens between two consenting, matured adults.

However, this human and animal sex thing really put my liberalism to the test. I am absolutely disgusted and sickened by the idea but I don't want to let that compromised my objective ethical judgment. Perhaps, I may use mutuality to argue against human and animal sex. You see, sex should also be mutual. If one party has coerced and manipulated the other party to have sex then even the sex can be enjoyable during the process, it is not mutual. Animals have no freedom of choice like humans therefore the sex they have with humans are not mutual. They may have enjoyed the sex but they are coerced or manipulated into doing it with humans.

Therefore I now declare, having sex with animals is wrong. It is a sin in the eye of God!! But I'll still love you if you are having sex with your dog because we should love the sinners and hate the sin. I will pray for you and your dog.

The good Rev has listed guidelines for ethical sexual behavior. I now list them here for reference for anyone who is making an ethical sexual decision.

1. Do no unjust harm. 2. Free consent of partners. 3. Mutuality. 4. Equality. 5. Commitment. 6. Fruitfulness.
7. Social justice.


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