Thursday, November 26, 2009

Missing the Point

Evangelical Christians in a certain great country are busy stopping homosexual marriage from being legalized. They fight very hard to make abortion illegal and at one time, they even voted in a born again Christian president who messed up the world big time. This group of Christians are very responsive if there is a gay singer about to win an idol competition, they will immediately jump into action to rally the crowd to make sure that this singer wouldn’t win the title. If there is a gay man being ordained as a bishop, they will immediately go into action to protest, petition or demonstrate to tell the world that God hates homosexuals. If there’s a female performer “accidentally” dropped her blouse and showed one of her breast, they will instantly rally the public to complain to the organizers of the “indecent” act. They demonstrate in front of abortion clinics to stop women from entering into the clinic and some even throw bombs into the clinics to attempt to demolish the clinic, without considering there are people in the clinic.

However, they allow their government going down the path of corruption and their economy going down the drain (4 or 5 trillion dollars in debt); their education deteriorated to the point where a high percentage of high school graduates cannot read nor write; poverty and gangsterism in the inner cities continues to thrive; drug addiction, alcoholism, rape, racism are rampant and their standing in the world plummet. And yet, none of these evangelical Christians spring into action to say, lets fight poverty in our inner cities; lets rally all the churches to donate money, give their expertise and talent to solve the racial problems in the country; lets us provide proper and objective sex education so that young people in society have healthy understanding of sex and know how to protect themselves from HIV infection. No, 10 years living in that country I had experienced none of those actions by the evangelical churches.

Instead, they blame those “sins” on the liberals, accusing them for their permissiveness that causes the deterioration in society. They say the solution is in the word of God without acknowledging their so called solution is only their school of interpretation of the word of God, not THE word of God. They don’t realize that it was their rigid conservatism, moral repressiveness, and narrow mindedness that started the sexual revolution in the sixties and seventies. They forgot what Jesus, the person whom they so passionately claimed as their Lord, taught about telling our brother to get rid of the saw dust in his eye but failing to see there is a plank in our own eye. These Christians basically forgot how to be the salt in society. All they know is to shove their own brand of faith into everyone’s throat, claiming that is the only truth approved by God.

I received the following from an email and I think Malaysia in going down the same path as the great country I used to live in. The difference is in that great country, the evangelical Christians are missing the point but here in Malaysia, the…I don’t even how to label this group of Muslims…are missing the point.


PAS Youth wants to what?!

In their most recent move to annoy me to no end, PAS Youth has set up a program to go undercover as part of their anti-sex campaign.

Just hearing such a thing raised an interesting question in my head.

Will they be wearing drag along Lorong Haji Taib then?

I guess some Muslims would be thankful that someone is so focused on our salvation.

I'm not one of them, in fact, I'm adamantly against it

If sex is what people want and it's consensual and safe, then why not?

It's obviously keeping them off the streets.

Pre-marital sex is not a large morality issue in this nation. Neither are concerts. Rempits, on the other hand, are a huge criminal, social and moral issue. Encouraging people to switch to environmentally friendly policies are a huge social and moral issue as well.

If PAS youth truly wants to help the Muslim community, they should start by doing something more constructive instead of this move to simply prove they are holier-than-thou individuals.

And if PAS wants to win over the federal government in two years time, this idea should be shot down in its birth, or face a backlash of the more moderate and liberal populous of Malaysia.

Hafidz Baharom

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