Sunday, November 22, 2009

Jesus is a Human Being

Jesus is a human being. Imagine a Nelson Mandela Jesus, a Mother Teresa Jesus, a Dalai Lama Jesus … when we imagine the human Jesus on earth, he could be any of these people.

These people don’t evoke fear. They inspire compassion, justice, equality … and people will have very little hesitation to go up to these people to present their problems, their short comings, their weaknesses and their needs because they know they wouldn’t be rejected or judged.

Imagine a gay person going up to Mother Teresa to tell her that he is gay. What would the mother’s response? “You filthy dirty smelly worthless sinner! Get behind me!”???? I doubt it.

Imagine a transsexual going up to Nelson Mandela to shake his hand. Will he say, “Go away, you rubbish! I shall not shake nor have any fellowship with degenerates like you!”??? I guess not.

Imagine a prostitute going up to the Dalai Lama and say “Bless me, your holy one.” Will he say, “No! You are beyond any kind of blessing.”??? Impossible!

Jesus as a human being is a good human being. He loves sinners. He accepts sinners. He dines with sinners. Jesus in the Gospels loves dinning with people, especially the outcast and the sinners. Having a good meal with people he loved was so important that he instituted the Holy Communion during his last supper for us to remember him. Such is the humanity of Jesus. He loves parties, having a good time, and a good meal with people. He loves people and being with people.

Jesus is a human being and he is a good human being. He is the combination of all the good and great people we know. He is Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, the Dalai Lama, Bishop Tutu, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Vivekananda, and anyone you know who has sacrificed him/herself for the good of humanity.

These people don’t evoke fear. They inspire compassion, justice, equality …

Jesus is a good human being who accepts and loves the sexual minorities. Christianity may have rejected non-heterosexuals but Christ hasn’t.


1 comment:

  1. To hear this at this moment in my life is balm to my soul. I am a kinky, gay man who happens to love Jesus very much. I always knew that the Jesus portrayed by the "Church" and society were wrong...must be wrong.

    I do my best to follow in His footsteps and like to think of Jesus as my older brother, who while capable of enormous love and compassions, knew how to have a rockin' good time and didn't take shit from anybody.

    Thank you for this and may you be Blessed in every aspect of your life, now and forever more!

    Love, Love, Love,

