Monday, September 6, 2010

Strain out a Gnat but Swallow a Camel (Matthew 23:24)

An openly gay pastor publicly announced he wanted to start an inclusive church that welcome everyone including gays and transsexuals, what do you think he might be inferring? How do you think the Malaysian public will think? Even the gay community is telling each other it's a gay church.

There are a lot of passages in the Bible against women being leaders and teachers in the church but why is there not a single debate in the public about that? Why is there not a single theologian or priest or pastor making any statement against that practice that is clearly a violation of biblical principles. There are lots of women pastors and leaders teaching and leading in many churches (not the Roman Catholic Church though, thank God!).

What have gay people done to make all these religious people up in arms against them? What evil have gay people done in human history that cause such violence reaction toward them? Gay people have no political power, civil rights and recognitions in many societies in the world including our lovely country Malaysia. They are in constantly danger of being humiliated, discriminated, rejected, jailed, persecuted, and even killed. We can learn all about it in history. Oscar Wilde was a good example.

All these people have against gay people is what written in the Bible and the Qu'ran, the infamous story of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, is there any archaeological or scientific evidence or proof that these two cities were destroyed by God because they practiced homosexuality? Have there any other solid examples other Sodom and Gomorrah, that a country or city was destroyed by God because they practiced homosexuality?

How could anyone against a people group based on writings that they believe is the word of God? Can they scientifically and objectively prove that the Bible or the Qu'ran is the word of God? There are so many injustices and immoralities in our Malaysian society which are clearly against the Bible or the Qu'ran but I don't see any of these religious people up in arms against them.

In the Gospels, the only people whom Jesus got angry with were the religious people. And these religious people were the ones who nailed him on the cross.

There are so many ethical principles written in these two holy books but very few are being practiced. Perhaps, before we point our fingers to anyone whom we think may be violating the word of God, we should first ask ourselves whether we are practicing those principles so perfectly that we can march into the Kingdom of God without fear and trembling.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Matthew 7:3


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