Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year, Allah!

Allah must be shaking His head in heaven. He has given a golden opportunity to His people, the submitters, to share the true faith to the non-submitters but what they do, they bring the non-submitters who call on His name to court to stop them from calling upon Him!

If I were the submitters, I would take this opportunity to explain to the non-submitters what the real meaning of this name "Allah" is and have many dialogs sessions with the non-submitters to educate them about this name "Allah". This is the best chance to open their eyes to see the real faith, to have the real worship towards Allah. Imagine half of the non-submitters, after the dialogs sessions, come to the realization that they are not really worshiping Allah correctly and turn to the real faith. The kind of rewards and grace Allah would grant to His people, the submitters, are beyond anyone guess.

However, the submitters here are fighting to stop non-submitters from calling upon Him. They are accusing them of trying to confuse the submitters and thus convert the submitters to their wrong faith. These submitters have successfully blocked and turned away potential non-submitters from knowing the true faith and the correct understanding of Allah.

All the faiths in the world believe in this principle, you reap what you sow.

Allah is the most powerful and He doesn't need anyone to protect Him or His name. People who try to do that are basically insulting Him; Allah is incapable to protect His own people from confusion, He needs us to protect His name from being wrongly used.

The problem is, these people who are protecting the name Allah, they are not doing what Allah wants them to do. They are not submitting to Allah the way Allah wants them to. Perhaps, the non-submitters who have been calling upon Allah long before even there is a country called Malaysia, are more submissive to Allah than these so called submitters. Yes, their understanding on Allah may not be 100% correct, but their submission to Allah may be more sincere than these so called submitters who want to protect the faith.

Submitters, this is the golden opportunity for you all to teach and correct the non-submitters about Allah. They are already submitting to Him, all they need are gentle guidance and proper teaching to correct their faith.

To teach, guide, dialog, and understand are a more submissive way than threatening and insulting the intelligence of the non-submitters. reap what you sow. May Allah have mercy on us.

Happy New Year!


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